The four new-to-me movies I watched in January

I made a goofy resolution to watch 4 new-to-me movies a month.

I started out the year watching Saltburn on Amazon Prime. I had heard a decent amount of buzz around this film. I personally thought the cinematography was good but I did not like this movie. IMHO The Talented Mr Ripley did this genre better and I didnt like that movie either.

After a brief discussion on movies everyone has seen and quoted, I decided against my better judgement to watch Notting Hill – also on Amazon Prime. Ive never heard anyone quote anything from this movie unless I missed something. This isnt a genre I usually tend to watch and anytime I do watch a ‘Rom Com’ I am reminded why.

Im not sure how I came to add Cashback to my Amazon Prime watchlist, but I did watch it in agony. It was very boring and had too much unnecessary nudity for me. British movies tend to be like that, but this might be the first one Ive seen that I have nothing good to say about it.

I ended the month watching The Signal on Amazon Prime. This was another one I have nothing good to say about. I havent liked any movies in the horror genre in quite some time and its movies like this that remind me why.

Im not starting out the year on the best foot considering I did not like any of the movies I watched this month.

Fun Music-Based Challenge for 2024

One of the fun challenges I have put forward for myself is to find new/new-to-me music to listen to. In my case I want to listen to at least 200 new-to-me albums this year. You dont have to put forward a number to this obviously, but I find it challenges me to get out of my comfort zone and find things I never would have heard otherwise. I am also keeping track of the number of songs on each album just to see how many new songs Ive been exposed to.

You can find playlists others have made and shared, or just randomly pick something you see online. In my case Ive asked my friends for suggestions and told them to exclude certain musical genres (I cannot do country music. It makes me irrationally angry).

No matter how you find it, it only has to be something you have never heard before to count.

Easing into 2024 with some stretching and mobility

I wanted to start the year with an easy goal – especially after completing some strenuous challenges in the last quarter of last year.

My goal was to simply do at least 15 minutes of stretching or mobility a day. Luckily for me, my favorite pilates instructor had a similar idea! If you have been following my posts, it wont be a surprise that Im still a member of Margaret Elizabeths virtual studio.

Im still incorporating Peloton cycling classes and strength training, but my focus this month is all about pilates 🙂

If you want to check out her ‘challenge’ or any level of her virtual studio, follow this link to get $10 off and join me!! I do the quarterly membership – so it averages out to $25 a month and you cannot beat that.

First declutter project – expired medications

One of the easiest declutter projects you can start the year with is to declutter any expired or unused medications you might have around the house. I try to do this twice a year, but admittedly cannot remember the last time I did a thorough medication declutter.

Some pharmacies may take expired medications, but I have found its easier to find a local police station that has a drop off box. Some areas have a yearly disposal event, but most of those tend to be geared towards illegal drugs.


Since I am doing the 1,000 item declutter, I will be tracking just how many medications I decluttered.

I am always amazed at how many things we just let take up space in our homes, as well as the waste of money for the items we think we will use.

Let me know how many expired or unused medications you found in your house!